Fourier Transform - Formula - Properties

Fourier transform (ft) for a function f(t) is unique i.e no two functions can have same fourier transform.

Consider a continuous time signal x(t). Its fourier transform is defined as
fourier transform formula
Above expression is called fourier transform formula.

Conditions for existence of fourier transform

Fourier transform of a function x(t) exists if

(1) signal x(t) is absolutely integrable 
Condition for existence of fourier transform

(2) signal x(t) is deterministic over any finite interval

i.e  (a) It should have finite number of maxima and minima over    a finite interval.
(b) It should have finite number of discontinuity over a finite interval.

These conditions are sufficient but not necessary. It means that there are signals that violate either one or both conditions , yet possess fourier transform.

Properties of Fourier Transform

The knowledge of properties of fourier transform reduces the labour involved in fourier transform calculations, in certain cases.

How fourier transform properties are useful can be seen by analysing solved examples.

fourier transform of x(t) is represented as
(1) Linearity :-

(2) Time shifting :-
time shifting

(3) Frequency shifting :-
frequency shifting

(4) Time scaling:-
time scaling

(5) Time reversal :-
time reversal

(6) Duality :-

(7) Differentiation in time :-
differentiation in time

(8) Integration in time :-
integration in time

(9) Convolution in time :-
convolution in time

(10) Frequency convolution :-
convolution in frequency

(11) Frequency differentiation :-
Frequency differentiation

(12) Conjugate property :-
Conjugate property

(13) Parseval’s Power theorem :-
Parseval Power theorem

(14) Area under x(t) and X(w) :-
area under x(t) and X(w)