Fourier Transform Solved Examples

In this section, we will learn to find FT of some basic functions. Fourier transform properties are used in certain cases.

(1) x(t)=e-atu(t)  , a>0

By definition,

(2) x(t)=eatu(-t)  , a>0

By definition, 

Using time reversal property of fourier transform is another method to solve.

(3) x(t)=e-a|t|  , a>0

By definition,

(4) Fourier transform of unit Impulse function

x(t)= δ(t)

Fourier transform of unit Impulse function

By definition,    
fourier transform of delta (unit impulse) function

(5) Fourier transform of rect function  

fourier transform of rectangular pulse

(6) Fourier transform of signum function


Sgn(t) = 1 , t>0
 = -1 , t<0

By definition,  

(7) Fourier transform of unit step function    


fourier transform of unit step

(8) x(t)=1

Using duality property of fourier transform.

fourier transform of sine cosine

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