Half-Wave Rectifier - circuit diagram - Ripple factor - Form Factor-Transformer utilisation factor

Half-wave rectifier (hwr) is an electronic circuit which converts full wave ac into half wave ac.

Half wave rectifier circuit diagram is shown below.

half wave rectifier circuit diagram

It consists of a single phase transformer with turns ratio      22√2 :1 (let). Let transformer primary be supplied with
220√2 sin wt , then, secondary will have instantaneous voltage  10 sin wt .

Half-Wave Rectifier Working

Secondary voltage waveform is shown below.

From 0 to Ï€   :-
Diode is forward biased , therefore, conducts and whole Vs appears across RL . IL is given by Vs/RL .

From Ï€ to 2Ï€   :-
Diode is reverse biased, therefore, it acts like an open switch and hence IL=0 .

We get waveform for IL for a complete cycle as shown below.

Half Wave Rectifier current waveform

Lets calculate various quantities for hwr. One quantity will be used to calculate next quantity.

1. Average output current ( IDC) :-

2. RMS output current Irms or  (IL)rms  :-
Half Wave Rectifier rms value

3. RMS ac  output current :-

As  IL  is a periodic  waveform, therefore, fourier series expansion can be written for it which will have a dc component and various harmonics i.e ac components.

Therefore, from fourier series,

4. Ripple factor :-

The output current IL is not pure dc. It is a unidirectional periodically fluctuating current. It is for this reason that filters are used to block the fluctuating component and let pass through them the dc component.

A quantity called ripple factor(R.F), gives a measure of the amount such fluctuating component present in the waveform.

Ripple factor of a waveform is defined as the ratio of, rms value of ac components present in the waveform, to the, average value of the waveform.

half wave rectifier ripple factor
= 1.21

Qualitatively, R.F indicates the deviation of the waveform from pure dc. Ripple factor is 0 for pure dc.

We found R.F of hwr equal to 1.21 , indicating it has large amount of harmonics in the rectifier output waveform and is much deviated from pure dc. So, we would need a large filter (costly and bulky) ,hence it is one of the major drawback of half wave rectifier.

5. Input power :-  

It is the average of the instantaneous input (i/p) power, over a cycle.

Instantaneous input power,  
Pi = instantaneous i/p voltage × instantaneous i/p current 
= Vs IL
= (Rf+RL) IL × IL  

where, Rf = resistance offered by the diode in forward biased condition.

6. output power Po :-

Average of the instantaneous power delivered to the load.
Po = IDC2 RL

7. Efficiency (η) :-

It is a measure of the ability of rectitifer to convert i/p  ac power into dc power.
If we take ideal diode i.e  Rf=0 , we get maximum efficiency of Half wave rectifier, equal to 40.6% .

8. Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) :-  

During rectifier operation, diode is subjected to a maximum negative voltage, called Peak Inverse Voltage.
For hwr PIV=Vm

9. Form Factor  (F.F) :-

Form factor of any waveform is defined as the ratio of, rms value of waveform, to the, average value of the waveform.
half wave rectifier form factor

Qualitatively, F.F indicates the smoothness of waveform. As F.F decreases and approaches 1 , smoothness of waveform improves towards pure dc.

For hwr we got  F.F=1.57 , indicating that waveform is much deviated from pure dc.

10. Transformer utilisation factor (TUF) :-

Transformer utilisation factor is the ratio of dc  o/p  power to the ac rating of transformer winding.
Half Wave Rectifier transformer utilisation factor
If we assume transformer and diode to be ideal, then, Rf and Rs =0 , we get maximum  TUF = 28.6 %

A high value of TUF is desired. Lets take an example to understand why we want high TUF.

Lets say we want dc o/p power = 57.2 Watt.

Case (1) :- If we have a TUF of 28.6% then we would need 200KVA transformer to get 57.2 Watt of power.
Case (2) :-  If we have a TUF of 57.2% then we would need only 100KVA transformer to get 57.2 Watt of power.

So, with high TUF we need low rating transformer to get same output dc power and since a transformer cost is directly proportional to its rating , therefore with high TUF we would need to invest less money on the transformer hence its makes the system cheaper. So, system with high TUF is preferred.