In buck regulator, the average output voltage Vo
is less than the input voltage Vs , hence the name ‘buck’.
Buck regulator circuit diagram is shown below.

The chopper CH is a switch like Bjt or Mosfet or Igbt
(1) Let the value of capacitance be so large that the
output voltage remains almost constant.
(2) The output current is constant and equal to Io
Buck regulator operation can be divided into two
Mode-1 :- ( 0 ≤
t ≤ Ton )
During this duration, chopper CH is ON and therefore freewheeling diode FD is
reverse biased by the supply voltage VS and therefore FD acts as an
open switch. The circuit reduces to as shown below.

- Vs + VL + Vo = 0
VL = Vs - Vo
Inductor voltage

Since inductor current rises linearly therefore, inductor
voltage is positive and constant having
value Vs – Vo .
Capacitor current
ic = iL – Io from the circuit.
Since Io remains
constant and iL rises linearly from Imin to Imax therefore ic rises linearly
from Imin – Io to Imax
– Io in Ton time.
Capacitor voltage | Output voltage
Let the initial voltage across capacitor be Vo .
Therefore, the voltage across capacitor varies as per below given basic

As ic is linear therefore its integral will
be parabolic and hence, capacitor voltage varies parabolically as shown in
Buck Converter Waveforms :-

Mode-2 :- (Ton ≤ t ≤ T )
During this duration, chopper CH is OFF. Since inductor current cannot become
zero immediately therefore , iL flows through FD i.e FD acts as a closed switch. Equivalent
circuit is shown below.

Inductor current decreases linearly from Imax
to Imin i.e rate of change of
inductor current is negative and hence voltage induced across inductor is of
negative polarity and the inductor acts as a energy source.
Inductor voltage

i.e negative and constant value.
Capacitor current
ic = iL – Io from the circuit.
Since Io is
constant and iL decreases linearly from Imax to Imin therefore ic decreases linearly
from Imax – Io to Imin
– Io in Toff time.
Capacitor / Output voltage
The voltage across capacitor varies as per below given basic

Capacitor voltage varies parabolically.
for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage.
The fall of inductor current is opposed by the inductive
property of the inductor. Lower the value of inductance L , the more suddenly iL
decreases. Therefore, inductance must not be lower than a particular value.
This particular value at which iL waveform becomes just
discontinuous is called critical inductance
Lc .
Lc value can
be obtained by making Imin=0. Its value is

Similarly, capacitance value must not be made below a particular
value for continuous capacitance voltage waveform. This particular value is
called critical capacitance Cc
. Its value is

(1) Buck Boost Converter
(2) Unijunction Transistor (UJT)