Back Emf and its Significance in DC Motor

Back Emf in DC Motor

Consider a shunt wound dc motor as shown.

dc shunt motor circuit diagram

When a dc voltage V is applied across the motor terminals, the armature starts rotating due to the torque developed in it.

As the armature rotates, armature conductors cut the pole magnetic field, therefore, as per law of electromagnetic induction, an emf called back emf is induced in them.

The back emf (also called counter emf) is given by
Back Emf formula
   where, P=number of poles of dc motor
Φ= flux per pole
Z=total number of armature conductors 
N=armature speed
A=number of parallel paths in armature winding

As all other parameters are constant, therefore, Eb  N

As per Lenz's law, "the induced emf always opposes the cause of its 
production" . Here, the cause of generation of back emf is the rotation of 
armature. Rotation of armature is due to armature torque. Torque is due 
to armature current and armature current is due to supply dc voltage V. 
Therefore, the ultimate cause of production of Eb is the supply voltage V.

Therefore, back emf is always directed opposite to supply voltage V.

Significance of back emf in dc motor

(1) As the back emf opposes supply voltage V, therefore, supply voltage has to force current through the armature against the back emf, to keep armature rotating. The electric work done in overcoming and causing the current to flow against the back emf is converted into mechanical energy developed in the armature.

It follows, therefore, that energy conversion in a dc motor is only possible due to the production of back emf.
Mechanical power developed in the armature = EbIa

(2) Back emf makes dc motor a self-regulating motor i.e Eb makes motor to adjust Ia automatically as per the load torque requirement. Lets see how.

From the motor figure,
armature current formula
V and Ra are fixed, therefore, armature current Ia dpends on back emf, which in turn depends on speed of the motor. 

(a)   when the motor is running at no-load, small torque  ( Ta=KIa ) is required by the motor to overcome friction and windage. Therefore, a small current is drawn by the motor armature  and the back emf is almost equal to the supply voltage.

(b)  If the motor is suddenly loaded, the load torque beomes greater than the armature torque and the motor starts to slow down. As motor speed decreases, back emf decreases and therefore, armature  current starts increasing. With increasing Ia , armature torque increases and at some point it becomes equal to the load torque. At that moment, motor stops slowing down and keeps running at this new speed.

(c)   If the load on the motor is suddenly reduced, the driving torque becomes more than the load torque and the motor starts accelerating. As the motor speed increases, back emf increases and therefore, armature current decreases. Due to this reducing armature current, armature developed torque decreases and at some point becomes equal to the load torque. That point onwards, motor will stop accelerating and will start rotating uniformly at this new slightly increased speed.

So, this shows how important is back emf in dc motor. Without back emf, the electromagnetic energy conversion would not have been possible at the first place.