Swinburne's Test on DC Machines

1.    It is a simple method in which no load dc-machine losses are measured seperately and from this the efficiency at any desired load can be predetermined in advance.

2.    It is a no load test and therefore cannot be performed on a dc series motor.

3.    This test is applicable to those machines in which flux is practically constant i.e shunt and compound-wound machines.  

Lets see how no-load losses and efficiency are determined. The circuit connections are made as shown.

Swinburn test on dc machine

Vt = rated terminal voltage
Iao = no-load armature current
I= no-load field current
Ra = armature resistance
Wo = No-load rotational losses

The  machine whether it is a motor or generator, is run at rated speed and with rated terminal voltage Vt. Under this no-load running condition, power absorbed by the armature is  Vt Iao.

armature power absorbed = the core loss (hysteresis and eddy current loss) + mechanical loss (Friction and windage loss) + Stray load loss + armature circuit copper loss ( including brush contact resistance).

Swinburne's test of dc machine

The core loss and mechanical loss together called no-load rotational losses Wo. Since these losses depend on motor speed and flux density, therefore this test is applicable to those machines in which flux is practically constant and performed at rated speed. So, that these losses remain constant at all armature currents as long as flux and speed is maintained constant. 

Since the output of the motor is zero and Stray load losses are neglected , the equation reduces to
armature power absorbed = Wo + armature circuit copper loss
                                   Vt Iao= WoIao2Ra

Or                                 Wo = Vt Iao Iao2Ra

and shunt field loss = Vt If

Efficiency when running as a motor
Let  IL be current drawn from supply mains by the motor and Ia  be the armature current when efficiency is to be calculated.

Ia= IL-If
η= (Input - Losses)/Input = [Vt ILWo - Vt If - Ia2 Ra] /Vt IL

Efficiency when running as a generator
Let  IL be current drawn by the load and Ia  be the armature current when efficiency is to be calculated.

Ia= IL+If

η= Output/Input = VIL/[VIL + Wo + VI+ Ia2 Ra

Drawbacks of Swinburne's test :- The test does not take into account the stray load losses.

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