Power factor correction Methods

The basic idea behind power factor improvement  is to look for the devices in which current leads the voltage and connect  it to load in such a way that the current drawn by it neutralises the lagging reactive component of load current. There are three methods to accomplish this.

(1)Power factor correction using capacitor :-  Power factor correction by using capacitor bank is  economical and is widely used. Since a capacitor takes leading current ,therefore, if we connect it in parallel with the load pf can be improved. Lets see how.
Consider a load taking lagging current  I  at a pf of cos Φ1 as shown along with its phasor diagram.

power factor improvement

Lets connect a capacitor C in parallel as shown. The phasor diagram gets slightly modified.

power factor correction capacitor

We find that current drawn from supply is the vector sum of load current I  and capacitor current  Ic  and  ∴ by changing these two  we can change I '  and  ∴ Pf can be improved.

But since load ZL is fixed  ∴ I  (I=V/ZL)  cannot be changed and we can change  Ic only.
Therefore, for a given voltage and frequency, we can change Ic only by varying capacitance.  ∴ appropriate capacitor value must be choosen.

Lets assume we want to improve pf to cos Φ2 . In this scenario, the phasor diagram is in second diagram.  From the diagram we find that prior to pf correction, reactive power supplied by supply  V  was    VIsin Φ1 . But after pf correction only    VI 'sin Φ2   is supplied.  This  means   ( VIsin Φ1 - VI 'sin Φ2 )  must have been supplied by the capacitor.

 ∴              VIc = ( VIsin Φ1 - VI 'sin Φ2
we get,        Ic = ( Isin Φ- I 'sin Φ2 )

pf correction

(2) Synchronous Condenser  :-  when  a three phase synchronous motor with no load is over-excited ,it takes leading current which makes it behave like a capacitor and hence the name synchronous condenser. If we connect it in parallel with the load ,it will improve the power factor just the way capacitor does in the above method.

(3) Phase advancers :- are used to improve the power factor of induction motors. The low power factor of an induction motor is due to the fact that its stator winding draws more current for excitation which lags the supply voltage. So if the excitation ampere turns can be provided from some other ac source, then stator winding can be relived and the pf  can be improved. 
The phase advancer circuit is mounted on the rotor shaft and connected to rotor circuit for providing extra ampere turns at slip frequency for the motor during starting or less load and thus improves the power factor.

Important Points :-
(1) Reactive power taken by load = voltage across load (V)× Current through the load (I) × Sine of angle between V and I    

    Above formula shows that reactive power requirement by the load does not change. It is only supplied by some device locally, thus reducing the reactive power burden on source.
(2) Power factor is corrected only to the value upto which the savings on - line losses and power plant investment - are greater than the cost of power factor improvement device , measured over the device lifetime.     

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