Moving Iron Instruments

As the name suggests these instruments′ operation depend on the movement of a soft iron piece. These are of two types- attraction type and repulsion type. Attraction type moving iron instruments are commonly used and therefore, we will focus on it.

Attraction type Moving Iron Instruments

These instruments use soft iron which is a ferromagnetic material. Ferromagnetic materials magnetize in the direction of a magnetic field, therefore, if they are brought near one end of a current carrying coil, poles of opposite polarity are induced in them. This attracts soft iron into the coil and the force of attraction depends upon the strength of the coil′s magnetic field.

Attraction type Moving Iron Instruments

As shown in above diagram, whatever be the direction of current through the coil, the iron piece would always be magnetized in such a way that it is pulled inwards and that is why moving iron instruments can be used for both ac and dc.

Construction of Attraction type Moving Iron Instruments

A sectional view of the Attraction type Moving Iron Instrument is shown.

Attraction type Moving Iron Instruments

Magnetic field system :-  The magnetic field is obtained by a multi-turn rectangular shaped coil. At one end of the coil, a oval-shaped soft iron disc is pivoted eccentrically so that it can be attracted into the coil and the pointer attacted to the disc can show reading. Visualize it.

If the instrument is to be used as an ammeter, the coil has comparatively fewer turns of thick wire and for voltmeter application, the coil has larger number of turns of thin wire .

Deflecting system :- The pivoted soft-iron disc experiences torque due to the attractive force by the coil magnetic field.

Controlling system :- Gravity control was used previously but now it is replaced by spring control in relatively modern instruments.

Damping system :-  Air-friction damping is provided by a light  piston moving in an air-chamber.

Attraction type Moving Iron Instruments Theory

Let the axis of the iron disc, when instrument is not in use i.e current through the coil is zero, subtend an angle of Ï• with a direction perpendicular to the direction of the field H produced by the coil. 

Moving Iron Instruments

Let current I through the coil produces a deflection θ. The magnetisation of the soft iron disc is proportional to the component of field H acting along the axis of the disc

 i.e magnetisation of the disc ∝ H  cos [90 - (θ+Ï•)]
or                                                        ∝ H  sin (θ+Ï•)                ...  cos(90- θ)=sin θ

thus, the force F pulling the disc is proportional to   H2 sin (θ+Ï•)
or        Force  I2 sin (θ+Ï•)              ...  HI  for constant permeability

If this force acted at a distance L from the pivot of the disc, then deflecting torque Td is

Td =  Force×L cos(θ+Ï•)
Td  I2L sin (θ+Ï•) cos(θ+Ï•)     

As L is constant  ,      
Td = K I2 2 sin (θ+Ï•) cos(θ+Ï•)                      ... K=a constant 
Td = K I2 sin2(θ+Ï•)                                              sin2θ= 2 sinθ cosθ    

In modern moving iron instruments, spring control is used, therefore controlling torque is     Tc =K1 θ
At steady position of the pointer,
Td = Td
K1 θ = K I2 sin2(θ+ϕ)

or      θ  I2

Showing that moving iron instruments have non-linear scale.

Closely related :-
    (1) Permanent Magnet Moving coil Instruments
     (2) Hot wire Instruments