AC Bridge Theory

Resistances can be measured using dc bridges but can you measure inductances and capacitances using dc bridges? Think.

The answer is NO because inductors and capacitors are frequency dependent elements and  ∴  behave as short-circuits and open-circuits respectively, in dc circuits under steady-state condition.

That is why ac bridges are used to measure inductances, capacitances, mutual inductances etc.

AC Bridge vs DC Bridge

Ac bridges are different from dc bridges in two ways.  
  (1) Ac bridges use AC source while dc bridges use dc source. 
  (2) Simple galvanometer used in dc bridges as the null point indicator is replaced by vibration galvanometer in ac bridges .

AC Bridges

Lets find the balance condition for AC bridge diagram shown.   

Ac bridge diagram

The condition for balance is same as dc bridges but instead of resistances, impedances are used i.e

Ac bridge balance condition

But there is one important difference  i.e not only should there be balance for the magnitudes of the impedances but also a phase balance. Writing the impedances in their polar form, the above condition becomes

Ac bridge balance condition

Some commonly used ac bridges are :-
  1.  Maxwell's bridge
  2.   Hay's bridge
  3.  Anderson bridge
  4.   Schering bridge
  5.  Owen Bridge